Whenever something becomes a success in of itself in an unexplainable fashion, you can be..."/> Whenever something becomes a success in of itself in an unexplainable fashion, you can be..."/>

Flappy Bird Clone Appears On PC Disks In Germany


Whenever something becomes a success in of itself in an unexplainable fashion, you can bet that there will be copycats trying to hone in on that untapped market. So is the case with Flappy Bird, as NextGamer has spotted a “PC version” of Flappy Bird, called “Flappy Bird HD,” in German retailers.

Whether or not you believe the original Flappy Bird game was a ripoff of the Mario franchise based on visual aesthetics, Flappy Bird was taken down from Android and iOS digital marketplaces some months ago. While basic in design, the gameplay was its own flawed entity. For someone to capitalize on the creator Dong Nguyen’s game, steal its name and use it to make a quick profit is inexcusable behaviour, especially when we’re talking about an independent developer.

Lack of creativity is one thing. Unoriginal games have been a part of the mobile, PC and console gaming markets for some time. Straight-out theft using the game’s name, however, seems just ballsy, especially in a fairly-sizeable European market in Germany. Hopefully, this Flappy Bird clone gets taken off store shelves soon.

h/t NeoGAF


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