Want to literally yell orders at your party members in the new Dragon Age Want to literally yell orders at your party members in the new Dragon Age

Dragon Age: Inquistion Will Use Kinect For Voice Commands


Want to literally yell orders at your party members in the new Dragon Age like you did in Mass Effect 3? I’ve got some good news for you then. According an article on TotalXbox, creative director Mike Laidlaw has indeed confirmed that Dragon Age: Inquisition will feature Kinect support for voice commands much like Mass Effect 3 did.

"We’re expecting that Xbox 360 and Xbox One editions will ship with a Kinect-enabled voice command feature, just like Mass Effect 3 did."

The article also states that there are plans for Smartglass integration, but they are very provisional at this point:

"“It needs to make sense, of course,” observed producer Cameron Lee. “But we want Inquisition to be an experience you can take with you everywhere – to work, the commute home, the living room, bed.” Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition to be hiding under your duvet, right?"

There is no mention in the article if the functionality will be extended to the PlayStation 4, which does have voice command support or if any Smartglass functionality would be extended to more mobile devices such as tablets and phones so you could use such an app with your PS4 but given that this is the site for the Official Xbox Magazine I wouldn’t necessarily expect to get that answer from that article.

I don’t have Kinect for my Xbox 360 or an Xbox One as of yet so I’m not going to speak personally to how the voice commands work, but my understanding is as far as voice commands go it works reasonably well. Personally, I worry more about the Smartglass stuff. I don’t completely trust EA not to shoehorn something in there that means you need to have the Dragon Age app or whatever to really experience the full game. Just look at Mass Effect 3 where it was a virtual necessity to play the multi-player for many hours in order to have a chance at getting the best ending for the single-player game. I really hope it’s not the case, but I wouldn’t be surprised.

What do you think GameSided readers? Excited or fearful about the integration of Kinect and possibly Smartglass in your Dragon Age? Let us know in the comments!