Magic 2015 Not Coming To PlayStation

UPDATE: It appears as though Magic 2015 won’t be coming to any PlayStation console — PS3, PS4 or Vita — at all this year. A representative from publisher Wizards of the Coast has responded to GameSided’s request for comment.

"Wizards is always looking to create the best possible gaming experiences for our fans. This year we have chosen to make Magic 2015 – Duels of the Planeswalkers available on iPad, Android, Xbox LIVE Arcade, Xbox One, PC via Steam, and Kindle via the Amazon App Store."

ORIGINAL STORY: Magic 2015: Duels of the Planeswalkers was revealed via a teaser trailer on Thursday. On Friday, fans got their first look at screenshots as well as information regarding what systems it will be launching on.

The game is expected to launch this summer alongside the release of the Magic 2015 core set for the game’s physical card players. Magic 2015 will be released on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PC, iPad, Android, and Amazon Kindle.

Notice something missing? Neither the PlayStation 3 or PlayStation 4 will be receiving the game at launch. Now, that doesn’t mean it won’t come to the consoles down the line, but to not see it as a launch system is pretty surprising.

Does Microsoft have a timed console exclusive for Magic 2015? We have reached out to Wizards of the Coast for comment on the matter.

Stay tuned for more on Magic 2015: Duels of the Planeswalkers as it is unveiled.


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