"Online retailer Amazon has began rolling out scores from the popular game review aggregation site Metacritic alongside select video game listings.The Metacritic score can either be displayed below and to the right of the game’s box art graphic or above the game’s price next to Amazon customer reviews. The Metacritic ratings can be found on games across all platforms, although not all games and versions have a rating attached."
"Sony has sent out a survey to select PS4 owners, polling them on what features they’d like to see in future updates.VGXNetwork posted the survey contents. Key among the possible features are a player reputation system, an advanced matchmaking system, the option to change your username, and the option to set your online status as invisible.Sony is also keen to see if people would like more on-screen notifications, more people in party chats, and the options to chat and send messages across all PlayStation platforms."
"Children of the 1980s spent hours perfecting the art of playing Namco’s Pac-Man computer game.And now computers are teaching each other to play the popular game, which sees a player navigating a maze, trying to gobble up pellets while avoiding four colourful enemies.Researchers have managed to develop a method to allow a computer to give advice and teach skills to another computer in a way that mimics how a real teacher and student might interact – and are demonstrating it with video games."
Daily Mail