GameStop Announces MLB 14: The Show Trade-up Program

MLB 14: The Show released on PlayStation 3 on Tuesday, but won’t see a release on Sony’s latest console, PlayStation 4, until May. This means that baseball fans eager to get their hands on the only simulation available this year will have to shell out $60 for the PS3 version before the PS4 version comes.

But don’t be worried that you will have to spend another $60 when MLB 14 releases on PS4 next month because GameStop has announced its trade-up program for early adopters wanting it on PS4.

Starting in May, PowerUp Rewards members can bring in their used copy of MLB 14: The Show for PS3 and trade it in for the game’s PS4 counterpart for just $19.99. GameStop will also give players $20 of in-game currency if you pre-order the game.

All in all, players will spend $80 + tax on both versions of the game should they go that route. Or, you can just wait until the game launches for PS4 on May 6.


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