After verifying previously unconfirmed reports, it appears t..."/> After verifying previously unconfirmed reports, it appears t..."/>

Twitter To Acquire Ouya For $2 Million


After verifying previously unconfirmed reports, it appears that Twitter has pulled off a surprise major acquisition. Per our industry source, Twitter will acquire the rights to the Kickstarter-backed games console, Ouya. Roughly $2 million in total assets is the total bill that the social media giant will be footing, making this one of their lower-cost acquisitions. It will be the first step in bringing a social aspect to the online infrastructure of the Ouya, in a move made to counter Facebook and their acquisition of Oculus VRLook for an official announcement at roughly 9 PM Eastern later tonight.

Founder and Chairman of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, was heavily involved in bringing this deal to light. On being asked about why he wanted to pursue such a venue, our source explained, “Mr. Dorsey has always had a passing interest in gaming. Once he left Missouri to attend New York University nearly 20 years ago, however, he hasn’t had the time to play much since. Looking forward, Mr. Dorsey expects to personally oversee all future developments of the Android-based console.”

Seeing how it only cost Twitter $2 million for the deal, they come out big winners in the acquisition. Dorsey may not be the most knowledgeable about hardware technology, but his company will provide Ouya more than enough opportunities to succeed. Actually, it is rumored that on the afternoon the deal became official, Jack Dorsey was overheard celebrating loudly in his office. “You never hear about opportunities like this, where you can get the rights to successful timed-exclusive games like TitanFall,” he exclaimed.

The following are reported changes and additions coming to Ouya and Twitter in the coming months:

  • Twitter will begin to hire game development companies to create games for the Ouya. One such company has already been brought on, in InfoOrg. Initial plans include that of a timeline-based version of Zork, in which events and items are described using the tweets by noted celebrity user Ashton Kutcher.
  • Each game will include the user’s timeline overlayed the game’s background. If the user doesn’t have a Twitter account, it will default to the accounts of the creators of Ouya, including tweets like, “We got away with $8.5 million in Kickstarter funding to create THIS?”
  • Future games can include up to 140 characters worth of text, including the title and menu screens. Including more characters will require the use of expansion DLC/plugins, like “OuyLonger.”
  • Certain smartphones can act as Ouya devices in the future using integrated apps, including the Samsung Galaxy S5, which sports stronger hardware specifications than the home gaming console.
  • This guy will serve as Ouya’s new Head of Marketing.


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Additionally, if it needed to be spelled out to you at this point: April Fools’ Day!