Shadowrun Online, a turn-based MMO set in the popular pen and paper..."/> Shadowrun Online, a turn-based MMO set in the popular pen and paper..."/>

Shadowrun Online Comes To Steam Early Access March 31


Shadowrun Online, a turn-based MMO set in the popular pen and paper sci-fi RPG world, is coming to Steam Early Access next week.

As with most Early Access titles, this one isn’t going to be full-featured, but it will introduce players to the core combat mechanics. Entitled Lockdown, this first dose of the larger MMO will include two characters, four missions, some basic skills and a PvP map. The idea is to get feedback from backers of the game’s Kickstarter campaign and the larger Steam community to help the development team at Cliffhanger Productions determine what they should work on next. Lockdown will be cross-platform on PC, Mac, iOS and Android when it launches.

“We are very excited (and a little frightened) to finally show this first glimpse of the game to the world,” Cliffhanger Productions co-founder Jan Wagner said in a press release. “We don’t want to pile on features unless we have nailed the core gameplay elements, so we created this small and polished section for our players to enjoy.”

Updates will follow on a regular basis to add content like character creation, skill progression and additional missions. For more on Shadowrun Online and what to expect going forward, watch Wagner talk in more detail in the video below, or visit