Titanfall Anti-Cheat Measures Detailed by Respawn


Respawn Entertainment has released details on how they plan to combat those who want to try and gain an unfair advantage in Titanfall.

Instead of banning cheaters from playing the game, Respawn uses a “FairFight” system to find, and segregate, cheaters on PC. If you are caught using an aimbot or other type of game hack, Respawn will place you ina seperate match-making pool where you will only be allowed to play with other cheaters. This method keeps cheaters away from the honest players while still allowing them to play the game they spent money on.

Should you find yourself banned for cheating, Respawn wishes you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

“Hopefully the aimbot cheat you paid for really is the best, or these all-cheater matches could be frustrating for you. Good luck,” the company writes.

If you find yourself in a party with a banned friend, then you will be treated as a banned player for the session. Your match-making ability will go back to normal once you leave the party with the flagged player.


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