PS4 Sales Increase By 106% Due to InFamous: Second Son Launch

While the Xbox One is enjoying it’s recent surge in console sales due to the release of Titanfall, Sony is seeing it’s own jump in console sales due to their own exclusive in the form of InFamous: Second Son.

MCV UK was informed of the recent increase of sales by a trusted retail source.

This is big news for Sony as Microsoft was starting to see significant progress due to the release of EA’s Titanfall. MCV also reported today that InFamous: Second Son has topped the UKIE GfK Chart-Track All Formats Top 40 for it’s launch week.

InFamous beat out the launch of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. Konami’s title took second place on the list. Second Son has seen very positive reviews from critics and has pulled its weight in bundle sales and regular sales for the Playstation 4.

Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster launched in 4th place while South Park: The Stick of Truth fell two places to 5th. Titanfall dropped from first to third and Dark Souls II fell five places to 7th.

As the new cycle of consoles firmly swings into action, it is interesting to see which exclusives flop and which bring home the bacon. So far Titanfall and InFamous have pulled their weight for their respective consoles. Now it is time for the next ones to take a crack at it.