For those wondering just how For those wondering just how

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes Hits Locked 60 FPS On PS4, Xbox One


For those wondering just how Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes performs, technologically, on current-gen consoles; Digital Foundry has that answer for you. In their recent entry, they mainly focused on the differences between the PS4 and Xbox One version of the demo-length game.

Right off the top, the most notable difference is in resolution. The PS4 runs at native 1080p resolution, while the Xbox One operates at 720p. However, what is most remarkable about both versions is that they stay at a constant 60 FPS throughout. Having that number locked greatly improves the quality of the image output, as it reduces the onscreen jutters, screen-tearing and dropped frames. That, combined with the fact that it works with v-sync and is reading at a constant 16 ms rate shows off just how effective the Fox Engine is on 8th-generation consoles. Check out the performance below.

Something that I found quite ironic is how each console handles creating the environment. Hideo Kojima revealed on his Twitter account that the PS4 version uses “atmospheric simulation” to create the weather, allowing for the console to generate the weather in real time and allow for clouds to be constantly moving and block out the sun. However, the Xbox One version, marketed by doing things not otherwise possible without the power of the cloud, doesn’t seem to offer the same weather system (static skyboxes). If the cloud processing can work on the PS4 version, why does it not on the system tailored for its use?

Check out the Digital Foundry report to see the rest of the differences between the consoles, including between the PS3 and Xbox 360.


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