Morning DLC: Video Games News And Rumors 3/23/14

"Now that Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft has officially launched, Blizzard can now begin offering up certain new carrots as pre-order incentives for some of their other games. In this case, the publisher is making a last-minute push to get players into the upcoming Diablo 3 expansion, Reaper of Souls, by offering up Expert Card Packs for Hearthstone players.This latest incentive adds to the cosmetic Wings of Valor item for Diablo 3 and the unlockable Imperius, Archangel of Valor for Heroes of the Storm that was previously revealed last month."


"The New Mexico Environment Department has rejected an excavation plan from a documentary crew hoping to unearth thousands of copies of E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial for the Atari 2600 in a landfill where they are rumored to be buried.Alamogordo city commissioners approved the search in June, but state environmental officials have to approve a waste excavation plan before digging can begin. The Alamogordo Daily Newsreports that the Solid Waste and Ground Water Bureau staff rejected the plan because it was too “generic,” and noted many items that needed to be addressed or clarified before it could approve the plan."


"inFamous developer Sucker Punch Productions has a thing for placing easter eggs into its sandbox environments, inFamous: Second Son being no exception. Not only are there many references to the Sly Cooper series—which it developed— but there’s even one for The Legend of Zelda.In Eugene’s home, a character you meet about a quarter of the way through the journey, there’s a sword on the ground that looks remarkably similar to Link’s Master Sword."

Crave Online