The PS4 is going to have a great list of games coming to its console this year and one g..."/> The PS4 is going to have a great list of games coming to its console this year and one g..."/>

Infamous: Second Son Review Roundup


The PS4 is going to have a great list of games coming to its console this year and one game that people were excited about is Infamous: Second Son, as this comes from the great people at Sucker Punch Productions. The game is open world that’s set in Seattle, Washington and players control the character Delsin Rowe who has superpowers.

Sucker Punch has done a great job with the Infamous series, as they capture the true essence of what it means to wield powers beyond our wildest dreams. Second Son is no different with the game looking great and playing even better claims some people that have reviewed the game.

The list that follows is a compilation of sites online that gave their opinion of the game, and the general consensus is that people have enjoyed their time with Infamous: Second Son.

Eurogamer – 7
PushSquare – 8
God is a Geek – 7
EGM – 9
PSU – 10
Destructiod – 9.5
US Gamer – 4/5
JoyStiq – 4.5/5
OPM – 8
NowGamer – 8
Digital Spy – 3/5
Gamespot – 8
IGN – 8.7
Kotaku – Yes
Polygon – 8.5
CVG – 7
Game Informer – 8.5
GameTrailers – 8.8
VideoGamer – 7 – 88 /100
PSN Senioren – 8 – 3/5
gamesTM – 7/10 – 9.5
el33tonline – 4/5
The Average Gamer – Great
Spong – 4.5/5
Gaming Age – A-

You can leave a comment below on what you thought of Infamous: Second Son.


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