LEGO Games Franchise Sold 1.6 Million Copies in the UK in 2013


Warner Bros. has released the sales numbers for its LEGO Games franchise. In 2013, the series moved 1.6 million units in the UK.

Speaking with MCV, marketing director Spencer Crossley said that the LEGO Games franchise is the second-biggest game franchise in 2014.

“2014 is already looking to be bigger and better, with WBIE already having the highest number of titles in the All-Format Top 40 chart and tracking an impressive 136.6 per cent year-on-year for volume and 219.1 per cent for value, year-to-date,” he said. “Since the start of 2013, WBIE has sold 1.6m LEGO games. LEGO is currently the second biggest game franchise in 2014 year-to-date, in terms of units sold, with 420,200 units. Another strong week could see the LEGO game franchise take the number one franchise spot.”

There is no doubt that the LEGO franchise is a smashing success. It’s a game that can be played by all ages, and always seems to be a fun time. It’ll be interesting to see how the game’s do this year with upcoming releases like The Hobbit.


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