The writer behind The Last of Us, Neil Druckmann, has confirmed that the upcoming film adaptation of the award-winning game will be a re-tell of the game’s original plot.
In a conversation with IGN after the BATFA Game Awards, Druckmann stated that instead of telling a spin-off story from somewhere else in the The Last of Us world, the movie will follow the game’s story to a tee. With the confirmation of what the plot of the film will be, Druckmann admitted that figuring out how exactly to tell the story will be a challenge.
“As far as where we go and how we make it fit into a film, how it takes into account the unique properties of film…We’re not sure yet,” he said. “We’re only just scratching the surface.”
Druckmann also added that developer Naughty Dog is currently working on another multiplayer DLC pack that will be the final pack of the game’s season pass package.
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