The first large batch of information surround RBI Baseball 14 was revealed today by Polygon, and in it comes some news that will likely turn off fans from making the purchase.
In addition to the announcement that RBI Baseball 14 will be a solely arcade-style baseball game, it was revealed that the game’s multiplayer will be limited to one-on-one local play.
“The modes we have right now are in line with the expectation of R.B.I. It’s very important for us to make sure that the gameplay experience stays true to the core of the entire era and the genre,” said Jamie Leece, vice president of games for MLB Advanced Media. “We specifically wanted to focus on making sure that we nailed that right. Adding window dressing, and enhanced features and modes, may have gotten in the way of us getting the core experience right.”
No online multiplayer for an arcade baseball game is something that disappoints many a sports gamer looking for a fun baseball fix on Xbox 360 and Xbox One. PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 owners won’t have much to worry about though as they still get to look forward to MLB 14: The Show coming out this spring.
So tell us GameSiders! Will the lack of online play and other major features stop you from buying RBI Baseball 14?
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