Titanfall 48GB PC Install Explained


When fans began to pre-load their digital copies of Titanfall on PC over the weekend, many were surprised to find out that the game required nearly 50gb of space to install. In comparison, the Xbox One version of Titanfall requires just 17gb of space to install.

So, why such a large amount of PC? Well, according to developer Respawn, the PC version has a lot of uncompressed audio to account for.

In speaking with Eurogamer, lead engineer Richard Baker explained that the team needed to keep the audio uncompressed in order to allow the game to be compatible with less-powerful machines.

"We have audio we either download or install from the disc, then we uncompress it. We probably could have had audio decompress off disc but we were a little worried about min spec and the fact that a two-core machine would dedicate a huge chunk of one core to just decompressing audio.So… it’s almost all audio… On a higher PC it wouldn’t be an issue. On a medium or moderate PC, it wouldn’t be an issue, it’s that on a two-core [machine] with where our min spec is, we couldn’t dedicate those resources to audio."

For those wondering, Titanfall’s minimum PC Specs can be found here.

How long did it take you to download and install Titanfall on your PC? Leave us a comment below, and let us know.


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