It was announced back in January, but since then, not a peep has been heard about the reincarnation of RBI Baseball by Major League Baseball. Now, RBI Baseball has an official release date as MLB announced that RBI Baseball 14 will launch on Thursday, April 10 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Android and iOS versions are coming as well.
The Thursday launch date confirms rumors of a digital-only release for the game.
Despite announcing that the game would be coming to both current- and next-gen consoles, there has been no mention of a release date for the Xbox One or PlayStation 4. This likely means that the next-gen version of the game has likely been hit with a delay or cancellation. And seeing as Major League Baseball Advanced Media — the team behind RBI Baseball — has never developed for anything other than mobile games, it wouldn’t be surprising in the least to see a PS4 and/or Xbox One version of the game not come at all this year.
We’ll see.
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