When the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One were both revealed last year, one of the entertainment apps touted by the companies as being available on their systems was HBO GO. It’s been almost four months since the consoles hit store shelves yet there has been no sign of a release date for the app on either console.
The PS3 received the app today, but there was no mention in the announcement as to when it will be coming to PS4. The only thing stated was that Sony is working on adding it to the console, and to stay tuned for updates in the future.
As far as the Xbox One is concerned, many were expecting HBO GO to be available around launch. The app wasn’t added then, and there has been no word as to when it will be coming to the console that Microsoft claims to be an “All-in-One” entertainment system. The app has been available on Xbox 360 since April 2012, yet, for some reason, can’t find its way to the Xbox One. Many were hoping that it would be coming prior to the start of the next season of Game of Thrones which begins on April 6, however, it doesn’t appear that that will be the case. There are now rumors that a mid-late 2014 launch for the app should be coming on the console, but with the way things have been going, I’d take that with a grain of salt.
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