GTA V Online Players Provide Quality ‘Skyfall’ Tribute (Video)

In an ongoing series of, “Look what creative things people can do if they take the time and effort,” a GTA V subreddit dedicated to a PS3 and Xbox 360 online community within the game posted a weekly challenge to recreate a movie scene within Grand Theft Auto V. PS3 player “hammerhead29” decided it was best to go ham on the competition by delivering a pivotal early scene from the James Bond movie, “Skyfall,” and it was glorious.

Minor Skyfall film spoilers (shown in commercials and movie trailers) revealed in the video. 

As you can see, it picks up where James Bond chases down his target on the train (part of the opening scene). Not only are there fist fights, gunshots and a helicopter flying overhead to capture the magic for what is the essence of machinima (the art form,

not the company

), but includes the key moment where Eve “takes the bloody shot,” using her sniper rifle to carefully try to shoot the target, not James Bond.

Outside of nitpicky flaws (helicopter’s shadow seen in certain shots), it is an outstanding tribute to Skyfall within the Grand Theft Auto Online universe. These are the kinds of movies gaming creators should be chasing more often; creative entries over Minecraft Let’s Plays and playing up incessant screaming in horror games. I highly recommend checking out the video above.

(h/t r/GTAA)


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