The Mario universe has added a new participant into the upcoming Super Smash Bros title f..."/> The Mario universe has added a new participant into the upcoming Super Smash Bros title f..."/>

Waluigi Confirmed As Upcoming Super Smash Bros Assist Trophy


The Mario universe has added a new participant into the upcoming Super Smash Bros title for the Wii U and 3DS. This time, however, it will be in the form of an assist trophy, as Waluigi returns to the fray as a non-playable entrant.

“Just because you try hard doesn’t mean you’ll make it into the battle,” Sakurai warns in his Miiverse post revealing this new info. While it may just be in jest towards Waluigi fans, it may also pertain to other commonly-requested Smash battlers. Fans have been clamoring for Ridley to join the upcoming Super Smash Bros game as a playable character for quite some time. Perhaps this statement made by the game’s director should serve as a warning not to get your hopes up? Is Reggie Fils-Aime no longer on the table to join?

We’ll have to find out the closer we get to the release of the upcoming Super Smash Bros game, planned for a Wii U and 3DS release later this year.


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