Nintendo Shutting Down Internet Multiplayer

Nintendo has announced that as of May 20th, all internet multiplayer on the Wii and DS will be shut down worldwide. That means that games like Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Mario Kart Wii and Mario Kart DS will no longer see support for online play. Local multiplayer will still be around for fans to enjoy.

The Wii U and 3DS consoles will not be affected by this shut down.

There will still be online services that will work for the Wii and DS consoles. The DSi Shop, DS Browser, and DSi Browser will all work on the handheld while the Wii will still work with Netflix, Hulu, Wii Shop Channel, Internet Channel and YouTube.

You can find a full list of affected games by clicking here. So get your fun in now with those old systems because you only have a little under three months left to enjoy them.


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