Knowing just how overboard South Park as a television series goes in its quest for hilari..."/> Knowing just how overboard South Park as a television series goes in its quest for hilari..."/>

South Park: The Stick of Truth Censored In EU Regions


Knowing just how overboard South Park as a television series goes in its quest for hilarity, I can’t say I’m surprised to hear that its newest upcoming video game, South Park: The Stick of Truth, has been censored for European release. This is according to a report filed by and has been verified by a Ubisoft representative to VG24/7.

In addition to Europe, the censored version also exists in the Middle Eastern and African releases, and when you hear what the cut content is, you can get a better idea as to why that decision was made. “Seven scenes of about 20 seconds each are censored in the EMEA console versions of South Park: The Stick of Truth,” the report claims. “The decision to cut this content from the game was made by Ubisoft EMEA.”

These are the details of those moments cut out of the final censored product of South Park: The Stick of Truth:

  • A mini-game where a doctor is performing an abortion on the player.
  • A mini-game where the player is performing an abortion on the character Randy.
  • Five ‘anal probing’ scenes in which characters are ‘actively’ being probed.

This is not the first time that South Park series creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker have had their artistic vision censored by an outside force. There was a great deal of controversy surrounding their 201st episode, which centered around the attempted depiction of Muhammad. Various illustrations, names and even an entire speech near the end of the episode were either beeped or blurred in order to make it to air. Even then, both Comedy Central and the creative team behind South Park received death threats and other forms of turmoil.

Hopefully those extremities are not the case after South Park: The Stick of Truth is released on the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC on March 4th here in North America, complete with the game’s fully-intended content.


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