Hidden object games always ask you to find things that aren't easily seen. But how ..."/> Hidden object games always ask you to find things that aren't easily seen. But how ..."/>

Game Insight Touts New Chapter For Hidden Object Games With Incredible Heist


Hidden object games always ask you to find things that aren’t easily seen. But how about one that wants you to locate valuable objects so you can steal them?

That’s the hook for Game Insight’s recently announced hidden object game for iPad, “Incredible Heist.” Placing you in the shoes of a con artist just getting his or her feet wet in a “world of con men, grifters, and world-renowned jewel thieves,” you’re out to help your mentor locate and loot some of the world’s most valuable treasures. Along the way, you’ll be unraveling the secrets of an ancient, global Thieves Guild whose secrets lie inside enigmatic objects called Cryptexes.

Game Insight has struck gold before in the hidden object genre with games like “Mystery Manor,” but the company is promising to take things to the next level in both graphics and gameplay with “Incredible Heist.”

We’ll have more details as they come out, but for now, check out this first trailer (and dig that mood-setting music!):


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