Nintendo's (in)famous Year of Luigi is coming to an end on March 18, Shigeru Miyamo..."/> Nintendo's (in)famous Year of Luigi is coming to an end on March 18, Shigeru Miyamo..."/>

Year of Luigi Ends March 18


Nintendo’s (in)famous Year of Luigi is coming to an end on March 18, Shigeru Miyamoto announced on Miiverse Wednesday.

Originally announced in February 2013, the Year of Luigi was done to celebrate the green Mario brother’s 30th anniversary of his debut in the original Mario Bros. Starting today, fans will no longer be allowed to post in the Year of Luigi Community or the Developers’ Room.

Thanks to everyone’s kind support, we were able to release many Luigi games over the course of the year,” Miyamoto said. “I hope everyone continues to cheer for the green brother!”

In the Year of Luigi, Nintendo has released a number of games centered around the taller of the brothers. New Super Luigi U, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, Dr. Luigi and Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Move all say a release over the past year.


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