Titanfall To eSports A Possibility


In a Q & A session with Microsoft’s Larry “Major Nelson” Hyrb, Titanfall community manager Abbey Heppe told Hyrb that Titanfall could be coming to competitive gaming tournaments after its launch next month.

“…we have a TON of interest from the e-sports community, and I know we’re not going to be shipping with all the features that they’re going to be wanting in the game, but we’re in our first iteration,” she said. “A lot of the games that have developed good e-sports features and the competitive community are ones that multiple iterations to get that done and to build in those things. So while that couldn’t be a priority for us here, we’re definitely listening to all of the feedback. We’re interested in what competitive players think when the game ships, and it’s definitely something we’ll look into, but not something that’s been our primary focus.”

Titanfall is already confirmed to have additional content coming after its initial launch which could lead to features being added to support eSports.

The game releases on March 11 for PC and Xbox One. The Xbox 360 version of the game lands two weeks later on March 25.


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