It's official: the PlayStation 4 is selling even faster than Sony had hoped. As rep..."/> It's official: the PlayStation 4 is selling even faster than Sony had hoped. As rep..."/>

Sony: PS4 Has Sold 5.3 Million Units Since Launch, Beating Goal


It’s official: the PlayStation 4 is selling even faster than Sony had hoped.

As reported by Reuters, Sony has announced that 5.3 million PS4 consoles  have sold since its November launch, beating the company’s goal of 5 million units by the end of March. Those numbers are as of February 8, so obviously the current total is a bit higher after 10 more days.

The news comes just days before the console’s release in Sony’s home country of Japan, where the PS4 will hit the market on February 22. That should help it zoom by the Wii U in total sales, as the most recent sales info suggests Nintendo’s struggling machine has yet to crack 6 million units sold worldwide since its launch in November 2012.

Sony’s announcement could also help it capture back a little of the spotlight that its arch-rival Microsoft has had for the last few days. The “Titanfall” beta has been all the rage on social media, as the futuristic man-versus-mech shooter from Respawn Entertainment is poised to give the Xbox One a boost when it hits stores next month.

In other words, though Sony might have the lead for now with the PS4 outperforming expectations, the sales race between the eighth gen consoles is probably just starting to heat up.


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