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PlayStation Magazine Teasing “Series Of Massive Significance” For PS4 (Poll)


Someone on Reddit has access to this month’s Official PlayStation Magazine and has noted that next month’s cover seems to be, “One of the most exciting in OPM history.” In fact, they reveal that “A series of massive significance” will finally be confirmed for the PlayStation 4.

There are several immediate thoughts for what it could be. The #1 overall-make-the-most-sense guess would be Grand Theft Auto (more specifically, V). With Official PlayStation Magazine operating out of the UK, it would not be as difficult to arrange interviews and discussions with the development team at Rockstar North, as they are situated in Edinburgh, Scotland and used to have games timed exclusively on PlayStation consoles. Additionally, judging by the language hyping up next month’s issue, it could very well be the reveal of a PlayStation exclusive, like a new Jak & Daxter, Crash Bandicoot, Shenmue or The Last Guardian (if they even exist).

Less likely for a magazine dedicated to PlayStation is a third-party game company revealing their next game headed for the PS4 without announcing at the same time for the Xbox One. A big game worthy of a cover would be something like Fallout, but the odds of a game series with such a focus on Americana getting a UK reveal doesn’t make much sense.

Let’s put it up to you, readers!


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