For many, Harmonix is synonymous with "music." Their games h..."/>
For many, Harmonix is synonymous with "music." Their games h..."/>

Morning DLC: Video Games News And Rumors 2/18/14


"For many, Harmonix is synonymous with “music.” Their games have defined the genre, with iconic hits like Karaoke Revolution, Guitar Hero, Rock Band, and Dance Central under their belt. While creating new ways of experiencing interactive music is the company’s modus operandi, it’s difficult not to be completely taken aback by their latest title: Chroma is a music first-person shooter.Before explaining how Harmonix plans on integrating music into the shooter genre, it’s important to point out that it is a FPS first, music game second. In fact, Harmonix is co-developing Chroma with Hidden Path Entertainment, the team that most recently made Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. That’s to ensure that the admittedly-inexperienced Harmonix ensures that shooting feels right and good.Chroma is best summed up as a class-based multiplayer game of point-capture, with two teams trying to hold onto as many points on the map as they can."


"Charitable discount site Humble Store has introduced a new ‘Humble Pricing’ scheme for the UK and Europe.According to a blog post on the Humble site, the company has added Euro and UK pound sterling currency options in order to ensure customers aren’t charged extra for games.The site also stresses that developers can choose to opt out of Humble Pricing and instead set specific prices for games in different regions should they wish."


"Killer is Dead: Nightmare Edition is the name of the upcoming PC port of Killer Is Dead, auteur game developer Suda51′s latest flawed masterpiece.Due out on May 9 2014, the game will feature extra content exclusive to the PC version upon release, and will be priced at just $20."
