PS4 Has Sold Over Five Million Units

The latest hardware sales totals have been released, and Sony’s PlayStation 4 has reached a milestone in terms of the sales.

According to the site, the PS4 has surpassed five million units sold worldwide. The chart, which is updated as of February 8, claims that the PS4 has sold 5.2 million systems. The console is just 0.5 million units back of the Wii U in the sales race.

The PS4’s primary competitor, the Xbox One, has sold just 3.4 million systems during the same time according to the chart.

The latest numbers are expected to come during the middle of the week, and it’ll be interesting to see just when the PS4 surpasses the Wii U in total global sales. My guess would be that it passes it the day the system releases in Japan on Saturday, February 22.


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