Nintendo Direct: Little Mac Confirmed For Upcoming Super Smash Bros

To kick off the first Nintendo Direct of the year, Nintendo has revealed via a trailer that Little Mac of Punch-Out!! fame will be coming to the upcoming Nintendo Wii U and 3DS Super Smash Bros game.

Little Mac had previously been available as an assist trophy in Super Smash Bros Brawl, but this will be the first time in the series in which he has become a fully-playable character. Most of his abilities are of the punching variety. He can charge up his attacks and strategically release them for optimum clearance and damage. Additionally, he can use a counter move to retaliate taken damage as a powerful smash attack. Little Mac looks to rely more on hand-to-hand combat over projectiles.

The newest Super Smash Bros title will be released on the Nintendo Wii U and 3DS sometime in 2014. Keep it here at GameSided as we recap the rest of the events from the February 13th Nintendo Direct. Also, check out his reveal trailer below.


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