"Etherlords" is back. Actually, make that "Etherlords" and "Eth..."/> "Etherlords" is back. Actually, make that "Etherlords" and "Eth..."/>

Etherlords Games Return On Steam


“Etherlords” is back.

Actually, make that “Etherlords” and “Etherlords II.” Both games are available now on Steam in English or Russian and for Windows 7 or 8. The price is right too: $4.99 for either game individually or $6.99 for both as a package deal.

Originally released by Russian developer Nival Interactive in 2001, “Etherlords” features the world of Ether (surprise!) and challenges players to master both collectible card game mechanics reminsicent of “Magic: The Gathering” and role-playing elements as well.

The sequel emphasizes PvP duels with five different modes, including the “Round Table” mode that tests overall game knowledge by giving each player a random selection of cards in its own take on sealed deck-style competition. Steam will support “Etherlords II” dueling by hosting a live multiplayer server so players can find opponents at any time.

More details on both games are available at the Nival website, and you can check out “Etherlords” and “Etherlords II” on Steam right now.


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