Although it seemed like Although it seemed like

Dying Light Receives New Trailer (Video)


Although it seemed like something much bigger was coming today out of developers Techland for their upcoming gaming, Dying Light, they have released a new trailer. There is no indication of a release date, but it does show the game running on the PS4.

Just like the title to their game, Warner Bros. Interactive is playing off the notion of humanity dying out in relation to the light with their new video. Actions made by those just trying to survive indicate losing more and more of that “Dying Light”, to the point that some of those who are still going on aren’t any better than the zombies out there.

If we are to believe what we see, there is less of a difference in the graphics during cutscenes than during Dying Light gameplay. Featured mainly at night, our protagonist does what we’ve seen him do in other gameplay videos; run, climb and jump over zombies while setting elaborate traps for them to be destroyed in. We see that, at the flip of a switch, the play can run through a dormant electrical gate, press a button, and fry runners chasing after him. Just how much of this city is prepared in such a way is still unclear.

There’s no release date, there’s no demo, but there is a new cinematic and gameplay trailer for Dying Light, being played on the PS4’s game engine. Check it out below.


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