PS Vita Slim Is Coming To North America

The PS Vita Slim, the one released to Japanese markets in late 2013 referred to as the PCH-2000, is heading its way towards North America.

Referred to as the PS Vita PCH-2000 model, the PS Vita Slim hopefully will come overseas in a multitude of various colors that it came with at the Japanese launch. The PS Vita Slim has just made its UK launch, albeit at £180 and only in black. Additionally, the new models will feature LCD screens instead of OLED screens due to burn-in issues with older models. The quality of the screen has decreased because of this, but Sony looks to favor durability in this case. Finally, the unit itself is 20% slimmer and 15% lighter.

It appears as though the PS Vita Slim (Black color) will launch in North America this spring alongside Borderlands 2 in a bundle valued at $199, according to information gathered by Polygon. It is unclear whether there is a standalone SKU, and what the price of that would be. The PlayStation Blog has confirmed that the Limited Edition bundle will include a bonus 8 GB memory card and 6 DLC packs for Borderlands 2.

We will be keeping tabs on this story as it develops. For now, all we know is that the PS Vita Slim is on its way here sometime in the future. The countdown to the “PS Vita Slim has no games!” cries starts right now.


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