Video streaming platform Twitch produced more peak traffic than some o..."/>
Video streaming platform Twitch produced more peak traffic than some o..."/>

Morning DLC: Video Games News And Rumors 2/10/14


"Video streaming platform Twitch produced more peak traffic than some of the most popular websites and online services in the world, including Facebook, Amazon, Pandora, Tumblr, Hulu, and Valve.According to a study by analytics company Deep Field first published in the Wall Street Journal, Twitch accounted for 1.8 percent of peak internet traffic in the US for the week ending in Feb, 3, driving the fourth most traffic. Netflix was in the first place with 32 percent, Google second with 22 percent, and then Apple with 4.3 percent."


"God of War 2 director Cory Barlog’s next project at Sony Santa Monica is “not even close to 75 per cent completion”, according to a Twitter post from fellow studio staff member Shane Liesegang.Posting on Twitter, Liesegang said he was having too many side project ideas, and “just as one thing approaches 75% completion I want to start another thing”.A follower replied to by saying he “hopes you are not feeling down on whatever you and Cory Barlog are working on”, to which Liesegang responded by revealing that game was “not even close to 75 per cent completion”."


"Warner Bros is achieving excellence in the field of putting the cart before the horse if two recent posts to its own Batman Arkham forums are anything to go on.Basically, people have been having problems with Arkham Origins (“Deathstroke can’t do zipline takedowns or tightrope takedown” and “a skin issue with the Dark Knight skin” and others). These patient people have been waiting for a patch. It has fallen to a Warners mod called Mercury to respond. Poor lamb. Here’s what she said (or he said…)“The team is currently working hard on the upcoming story DLC and there currently are no plans for releasing another patch to address the issues that have been reported on the forums.”"
