First OOTP 15 Screenshots Unveiled

Believe it or not, spring training is already here. Several MLB teams have already reported for camp, and the remainder will get back to work this week. That means it won’t be too long until baseball is in the air once again, and with it, another edition of “Out of the Park Baseball.”

Out of the Park Developments has released the first screenshots from “OOTP 15,” showing off some visual enhancements to the main menu and various in-game management screens. As is usually the case, they look like a nice mix between the familiar and the new.

The game is packed full of features like up-to-date 2014 rosters for all major league teams, vastly expanded international options to make your “OOTP 15” league truly global, and 3D ballpark support, just to name a few. A special pre-order deal is going on now and includes a reduced price and entry into a drawing for some great prizes, but the offer is only good through February 15.

Why wait? Get into the spring training feeling now (even if it doesn’t feel like it’s time in most of the U.S. and Canada) and enjoy these screenshots while you’re thinking warm thoughts.


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