I'm not going to go so far as to say I was afraid "Transformers Universe"..."/> I'm not going to go so far as to say I was afraid "Transformers Universe"..."/>

Transformers Universe Trailer, Beta Registration Available Now


I’m not going to go so far as to say I was afraid “Transformers Universe” was on its way to becoming vaporware, but I have been concerned about the slow pace at which information about the game has come out since it made a splashy announcement a few years ago. Some of those fears have fallen by the wayside as of late, as everyone’s favorite Robots in Disguise do appear to be headed to our browsers later this year.

Jagex recently released a trailer for the upcoming game, and beta registration is now open at the “Transformers Universe” official site. Details there are still pretty scarce right now, but it seems players will be commanding all new ‘bots in battle instead of the famous characters seen in toys, cartoons, movies and comics. There are some familiar faces in the trailer though, so how they impact the gameplay remains to be seen.

If you’ve been tracking the game the whole time, you also know the robots aren’t the only things that have been changing forms. Originally announced as an MMORPG, “Transformers Universe” changed gears at the end of 2012 to become a MOBA, and it’s now being billed as a Massively Online Tactical Action game, or MOTA.

Intriguing, to say the least. I’m just glad the game feels like it has actual forward momentum. Here’s the trailer:


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