When Call of Duty: Ghosts was first released on the 8th-generation consoles like the PS4 and the Xbox One, all..."/> When Call of Duty: Ghosts was first released on the 8th-generation consoles like the PS4 and the Xbox One, all..."/>

Call of Duty: Ghosts Patch Affecting Xbox One Performance



When Call of Duty: Ghosts was first released on the 8th-generation consoles like the PS4 and the Xbox One, all games and console fans alike could do was to discuss, critique and wage console war battles over the differences in the resolution and the framerate. The PS4 version ran at 1080p, the Xbox One version ran at 720p, both were to run at 60 FPS. However, there were some reviews that noted that the PS4 version (pre-launch) had an inconsistent and sometimes lower frame rate that leveled out its technical and graphical dominance over the Xbox One version.

Things have changed. In preparation for Call of Duty: Ghosts’ first DLC, “Onslaught,” Infinity Ward released a patch to make way for the incoming new data. Unfortunately, as Digital Foundry has noted for Eurogamer, the Xbox One version of the game has suffered greatly in its framerate capabilities. Digital Foundry decided to boot up their analytical devices and test out the recent patch for themselves. Check out the video for visual proof.

What they found was that looking through sniper scopes and iron sights, especially in conjunction with physic-heavy events like grand explosions, drop the frame rate to as low as around 35 FPS on the Xbox One version of Call of Duty: Ghosts multiplayer. It does not dramatically alter gameplay to the point of being considered “broken,” especially after seeing what Battlefield 4 has been going through, although this revelation combined with a lower resolution means that the Xbox One version of the game may no longer be the go-to consistent online experience.

More and more we are seeing online shooters breaking down in quality post-launch, and Infinity Ward are no pioneers in the downward trend. Seeing how they have an extra year to develop their next Call of Duty game (now that Activision has named a third developer for the franchise), perhaps the developers can work on a brand new engine that, you know, works well and looks like a next-gen game!


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