World of Warcraft Up To 7.8 Million Subscribers

For World of Warcraft things have been looking…up? According to released financial data from Activision Blizzard, subscribers throughout the year of 2013 ended at 7.8 million active accounts. That is up from the last update ending with Q3 2013, when the game was at 7.6 million subscribers.

Evidently, not even MOBA’s like League of Legends and Dota II can be World of Warcraft killers. This may have been due to the fact that the company revealed a new expansion, Warlords of Draenor, right after their last quarter’s financial results. Coming with the expansion are updated character models, new PvP modes, raids, increased level cap to 100 and a bunch of other upgrades to the game, which would definitely improve upon waned interest.

The MMO market may be down, but PC gaming looks to be hugely marketable in 2014. If there’s any game that could weather the storm, it is World of Warcraft. No longer are the days of a peak 12 million subscriber base, but Azeroth has not nearly seen its last days.


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