When I reviewed "Starborn Wanderers" last summer&l..."/> When I reviewed "Starborn Wanderers" last summer&l..."/>

Starborn Wanderers Gets Big Update That Includes PvP


When I reviewed “Starborn Wanderers” last summer, I found it to be an ambitious mobile space game that was good, but lacking in a few areas that could have made it even better. The nice thing about mobile games is that updates can fix some of their shortcomings, and the recent update to “Starborn Wanderers” has the potential to give it quite the boost.

Game Insight rolled out a substantial package of additions to its galaxy-spanning RPG, including a much-needed revamp to the mission system, upgraded starship hangars and a brand new in-game store with new starships specifically intended for team battle tournaments. There’s also a recovery system for saved missions after reinstalling the game, and improvements to overall game stability. But the biggest new arrival is a PvP mode, something that really offers people a whole new reason to spend more time with the game.

Using a point-based rating system, players can search for battles against pilots of roughly equal experience. The best Wanderers can even make it into the PvP Hall of Fame.

“Starborn Wanderers” is a free download, and you can grab it for your iPad right here.


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