Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain may not be coming until fiscal year 2015 or 2016 according to details leaking from Konami’s post-financials investor call.
Market Analyst David Gibson was tweeting the call as it happened, and revealed the news that fans may have to wait quite a while for the next game.
“MGS5 could be released in FY3/2015 or FY3/2016 depending on the development stage,” he said.
Gibson also said that Konami admits that Metal Gear Sold: Ground Zeroes is “a bit short”. This comes just one day after Game Informer’s story on the main mission in Ground Zeroes being completed in less than two hours.
Lastly, Gibson mentioned that Konami had budgeted to release seven “major console titles” this year, and expects the same number released in 2015. This could very well be the biggest reason for Ground Zeroes’ delay into 2015, but no one knows for sure.
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