2K has discounted the price of Grand Theft Auto games and DLC on Xbox ..."/>
2K has discounted the price of Grand Theft Auto games and DLC on Xbox ..."/>

Morning DLC: Video Games News And Rumors 2/4/14


"2K has discounted the price of Grand Theft Auto games and DLC on Xbox Live.Xbox Live Gold subscribers can pick up Rockstar’s latest opus, Grand Theft Auto 5, for £33.49/$40.19, or opt for its predecessor Grand Theft Auto 4 for £8.99/$9.99.On the DLC front, GTA 4’s The Ballad of Gay Tony is currently on sale for £5.39/$7.99, while The Lost and Damned is available for £3.37/$4.99."


"The next project from industry veteran Cliff Bleszinski, who spent 20 years at Epic Games working on Unreal Tournament and Gears of War, could be announced in March. Speaking with GamerHub, Bleszinski said, “Right now I’m looking at procuring funding for that; expect some news hopefully in the next 4-6 weeks.”Though he’s seeking funding presumably from a venture capital firm or a private investor, Bleszinski explained that he ultimately hopes to use this funding as a safety net for an eventual crowdfunding campaign.“I would like to go directly to the consumer if possible, although with the safety net of providing outside financing,” Bleszinski said."


"Capcom is planning to target its three main markets — Japan, North America and Europe and Asia — differently to better meet the needs of each group, the company’s corporate officer and head of consumer games development Yoshinori Ono recently said.In an interview posted to the official Capcom website, Ono said the three regions are different in the kinds of games and platforms they’ve embraced, so the company cannot adopt a one-size-fits-all approach.In North America and Europe, where home video consoles are most popular, Ono said a widening of the income gap has led to differences in the attitudes people have toward games, so the company needs to adapt its services to meet the needs to these groups."
