You Will Never Be ‘Playing Tekken With A Piano’ Good (Video)

Every time you think you’ve seen the most impressive display of video games skills, someone will come out of the woodworks and do something you couldn’t comprehend before. So is the case with this guy, who used his MIDI piano as a controller to play Tekken Tag Tournament 2 online.

As you can see above, the keys have been remapped to act as button prompts for the traditional controller. Movement up, down, left and right are played as traditional piano notes, which are audible in the video. As well, punches and kicks are given their own notes, and pairing directional input with attacks allows our Tekken player to pull off special moves.

Just how well does he do? There is no evidence that one could be as skilled with a piano as one can with an optimal controller output, but the video ends with our creative player taking on someone else online. The outcome was pretty close. Who wins? Watch the video below to find out.

The TekkenPiano from Mc Cool on Vimeo.


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