Telltale Games: The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 2 ‘Around The Corner’

Even though Telltale Games’ The Wolf Among Us is coming out tomorrow, the video games keep flowing, no matter what. Nothing is stopping this train, as the Telltale Games Twitter account has teased that the second episode of The Walking Dead may come sooner than you think.

“Just around the corner.” Knowing how long it took for episode 2 of The Wolf Among Us to get released (a week sky of 4 months), it is a welcome sight to see for The Walking Dead fans to know that they will not have to wait as long. As someone who appreciated how Episode 1 took the challenge of creating a gripping narrative centered around Clementine head on with pleasurable results, it will be interesting to see if the drama will hold up over time.

The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 2 does not have an official release date yet, but make sure you follow us here at GameSided for all your Telltale Games news, including a review whenever the game comes out on PC, Xbox 360, PS3 and mobile gaming devices.


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