Microsoft to Release Cheaper Xbox One

The $499 price tag of the Xbox One has been one of the, if not the, biggest complaints of consumers since it’s announcement last spring. Microsoft has apparently listened to the complaints about the price of the console, and is going to actually do something about it.

No, it’s not a price slash on the current model, but it is a lower-priced Xbox One console. According to VG 24/7, a source close to them claims that a cheaper version of the Xbox One is set to be released by Microsoft this year. The source couldn’t confirm whether or not it was the rumored disc-less console that was leaked last week, but did state that it will be cheaper than the $499 current price.

This latest report is just the latest in a string of leaks about the Xbox One’s future that has forced Microsoft to pursue legal action against the allegedly leaker. Microsoft has yet to comment publicly on any of the rumored changes to the Xbox One or its upcoming releases.


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