For fans that grew up with Sonic the Hedgehog, each passing year seems..."/>
For fans that grew up with Sonic the Hedgehog, each passing year seems..."/>
For fans that grew up with Sonic the Hedgehog, each passing year seems..."/>

Morning DLC: Video Games News And Rumors 2/2/14


"For fans that grew up with Sonic the Hedgehog, each passing year seems to be more and more difficult to bear as Sega continually tries (and usually doesn’t do a very good job with) reinventing their speedy blue hedgehog in the vein of whatever the platformer du jour is. Now on the heels of Sonic Lost World it appears that a new game may be hitting next-gen consoles as well as the Wii U next year.The alleged announcement comes in the form of a photo taken at the Nuremburg International Toy Fair, where a sign seemingly announced Sega’s upcoming plans for the franchise – among them the current releases of both Sonic Lost World and Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympic Games as well as a new Cartoon Netwok show debuting this Fall – among a litany of Sonic-related mechandise."

"Saturday Morning RPG and Aces Wild, two graduates of the school of Greenlight gaming have officially become available for Steam users.Both Saturday Morning RPG and Aces Wild were indie titles looking for a little love on Greenlight, with Saturday Morning RPG making it onto the service back in August of 2012. Aces Wild was a little closer to the cut, with game arriving on Greenlight in August of 2013.Interestingly enough, both games launched this week within days of each other, arriving on Valve’s digital distribution portal at discounted prices."

Gaming Blend

"Timewalk Games, a company that specialized in reproducing classic video games from the pre-HD era, has blown the dust off a cartridge for the last time. For those unfamiliar with Timewalk’s work, you may remember them as the company that crafted the golden DuckTales NES cartridge.The Timewalk website has been all but cleared of any signs of inhabitance."
