Lucario Confirmed For Super Smash Bros.


The roster is now up to 22 characters as Lucario has been confirmed by Nintendo for the newest installment of Super Smash Bros.. Making his Smash Bros. debut in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, this will be the second game for the fighting/steel type Pokemon.

The announcement comes as a surprise to many because most felt that, due to the amount of new characters coming to the game, Lucario was going to be on the “cut” list. Fortunately for the players, Nintendo seems set on making Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS the largest gathering of playable characters ever. It isn’t clear just how many more characters will be announced for the game up until its launch later this year, but if one had to venture a guess, it may be safe to say that Nintendo isn’t quite done adding more playable characters.

You can view in-game screenshots of Lucario in the gallery above. The full confirmed roster can be found below.



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