The hardware sales information The hardware sales information

Weekly Hardware Sales Update: 3DS Continues To Lead


The hardware sales information for the week of January 12-18 has been released, and as per usual, it was the Nintendo 3DS leading the way in total hardware sales for the week. The only difference this time around is that its lead in sales got smaller than weeks past.

The 3DS sold 151,502 units globally last week. Of those 151K systems, 43,304 of them were sold in North America. Coming in second globally was the PlayStation 4 with 149, 643 units sold; 59,636 were sold in North America.

The Xbox One came in at a distant third last week, selling just 82,314 units globally. They did, however, sell 58,184 consoles in North America which is second in the sales figures. Unfortunately for Microsoft, it appears as though the PS4 is the console of choice in Europe as it outsold the Xbox One 66,560 to 19,974. Then again, it’s not really clear how much Microsoft actually cares about its European clientele.

Rounding up the rear in the next-gen console sales race last week was the Wii U which sold just 47,379 units globally. They sold less consoles in North America, 21,212, than the Xbox 360, 24,801.


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