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Infamous: Second Son Wants To Make It Rain (Video)


Thanks to Sucker Punch, Sony will see its next big exclusive PS4 title before the end of March. For a company that has only two real AAA exclusives under their belt so far (one being the disappointing Knack and the underrated Killzone: Shadow Fall), Infamous: Second Son could not come any sooner. Today we get teased ever so slightly more with a behind-the-scenes video in which they show off how they can affect the weather in the game’s rainy Seattle.

As with most 8th-generation games, what I’ll be looking forward to is how titles handle things like rain. Infamous: Second Son not only looks to have realistic rain physics, but also utilizes the environment after the downpour. Sunshine will slowly dry up remaining puddles on the ground, and the sheen of water along the sides of buildings will fade away over time, as if it were the real world.

What has me most excited will be how the game developers handle fog. The levels can rise and fall, which if done properly can create excellent mood lighting for boss battles, make hard-to-find collectibles that much more difficult to obtain and opens up opportunities to create awesome visuals not seen often in games. It was pretty hard to find RAM resources to create such an effect in previous games, but 8 GB for both the PS4 and Xbox One will make for interesting development choices in the years ahead.

Infamous: Second Son will be released exclusively for the PS4 on March 21st. Check out the behind-the-scenes footage below.


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