Thief Rated by ESRB

Due to blood, nudity, strong language, strong sexual content, use of drugs, and violence, the upcoming stealth-based game from Square Enix has been given a “M for mature” rating by the ESRB. The official summary, which can be read on the board’s official website, from the ESRB explains, in context, why the game received the rating that it did. You can check out the first part of the report below:

"This is a first-person shooter in which players assume the role of a thief attempting to defeat a conspiracy. Players sneak around guards and civilians in order to break into various buildings and steal items. Players sometimes use a blackjack to knock guards out. Throughout the game, characters use knives and swords to kill other human enemies. Blood splatter effects occur during battle. Corpses are frequently depicted, sometimes lying in pools of blood."

Thief, also known as Thief 4, will be released for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on February 25 across North America.

Mike’s Musings: What’s wrong with a little blood, drug use, gore and nudity? Isn’t that what kids watch on TV nowadays anyway? This rating is absolutely absurd! I’m just joking with that. The rating this game received is called for and accurate, and I can’t see Square Enix or developer Eidos Montreal having too much of a problem, if one at all, with the rating of the game.


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