Bethesda, the publisher behind upcoming MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online, has revealed that the game has officially been rated by the ESRB prior to its release. And it’s safe to say that Bethesda is none too pleased with the rating that the game was given.
The Elder Scrolls Online will be given a M for Mature rating upon release meaning that the ESRB feels that the game is only suitable for players ages 17 & higher. Bethesda made the announcement via the company’s Facebook page Wednesday afternoon. Though the post states that the company was not happy with the rating the game was given, it will not challenge the rating. They also said that they are “unwilling to change the game’s content to achieve a different rating.”
Mike’s Musings: While some, including the publisher itself, disagree with the M rating for The Elder Scrolls Online, I see no fault on the part of the ESRB. With TES: Skyrim having a Mature rating, and the game seeming built with plenty of the same concepts in tact, it only makes sense to keep the M rating in place. Add in the fact that, though it goes unrated, this is an online-based game where players can communicate with each other, having a higher rating seems smart in my opinion. Let me know what you think about the M rating TESO received in the comment section below or on Twitter @TheMikeStraw.
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